Domain Registration
Domain name is the first step towards building your own website and serves as an online address for your website. Your users can type the domain name in address bar to reach your website. E.g. You can type this in address bar of the browser to reach our website. Domain is the one which you need to buy yourself. We would definitely guide you through the process.
Important: Website owner has a full right to choose any company for domain name and hosting services. It is not mandatory that you have to purchase a domain name from the company where you have the Hosting services or vice a versa.
Responsive Website Designing
Once the domain name is registered, we can start off with the website designing process. The designing is the most time consuming process during the whole development of the website as we need to design as per the device compatibility.
We use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript & JQuery to design the UI (User Interface) of the website to keep it compatible with most browsers and load quickly even on a slow internet connection.
Scripting simply means programming. It helps your users communicate with the computer where your website is hosted. There are mainly two types of Scriptings for website development : Server Side and Client Side.
Whoa ! Now what does that mean ?
Server Side Scripting:
This script or program runs only on the server i.e. the computer where your website is hosted. This means it is the most important script as it helps in serving your site to users and mainly responsible for using the resources of the server. Better this script, faster the site. We use PHP and MySQL for Server Side Scripting.
Client Side Scripting:
This script or program runs the website users’ computer i.e. the computer where the site is being accessed from. This script doesn’t use the server’s power at all. This kind of script helps in creating intuitive and user friendly interface for the end users. We use JavaScript, JQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 for Client Side Scripting.
Mobile Application Development
Android App
Nowadays, Android App has become a need. If you have eCommerce or dynamic website then you must have Android App for your users. Because more than 70% of the users prefer mobile app instead of accessing via website.
So we develop custom Android application as per your need using Android programming language i.e. JAVA & XML.
iPhone App
Though Android has a big market in India, we cannot ignore iPhone users. They are increasing slowly but surely. So iPhone application is also necessary for targeting your customers using iPhones.
We develop iPhone application too using the iOS programming language i.e. Objective-C and C.
Hosting & Email Server Setup
Once the website is ready, the next step is to put it on the server, so the website can be accessed worldwide. The server is hosted by Third Party Companies who provide all hardware and maintain it. We manage both Windows & Linux based Servers.
After hosting your website, you can start using your domain name to serve email service. However it also requires some very important tweaks on server and domain control panel. Setting up MX Records, A Records and CNAME Records are some of very important settings which require in depth technical knowledge. We do it for you.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. As the full form suggests it means optimizing the website for visibility in Search Engines. Search Engines, especially google plays a major role in driving traffic to your website.
We use only white hat techniques for optimizing websites and do not GURANTEE about rankings in Search Engines. Updating Keywords, Meta Title, Description, Canonical etc are the ones we work towards for optimizing sites presence in Search Engines.